23 January 2011

where have i been?

check out what my boyfriend gave to me for Christmas.
this and more books and tickets to see The Blow at the Warhol :)

I'm enrolled in an independent study this semester (also, my LAST semester) that requires me to travel to Chicago in February and to Zacatecas, Mexico in March. Looks like I'll be seeing you again, my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing Aztec ruins and eating central Mexican food!

I have about 90 days left in Pittsburgh. I'm trying to hang out as much as I can with you nice people. If I don't hear back about job prospects by the end of April, then I'm heading to the outskirts of DC to stay with my sister. I do not intend on going back to my dad's house! Paris, New York, DC, anywhere in Latin America, San Fransisco, Madrid - I won't mind it if you would welcome me this summer. Oh, and I hope you like cats.

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